NewsRaider is a revolutionary application for Windows, Pocket PC and Palm that allows any News, Reviews or Magazine site to have its articles "raided" and converted into a single rolling news service. We guarantee that no other product or service can give you so much news in such a distilled format. NewsRaider is fast. The articles are downloaded before you want to read them (It sits in the background taking up Little system resources but huge amounts of news resources)
-NewsRaider does not use RSS or other syndication. It goes straight to the source. This means that you get the news content you want, whenever you want.
-NewsRaider archives articles infinitely, making it an awesome source for future reference - especially combined with NewsRaider's powerful searching and filtering.
-Only NewsRaider allows you to scan so many news articles from so many sources with such ease. By the time you have loaded AvantGo, MobiPocket or Rocket News you can have scanned 20 NewsRaider articles to see what interests you. And as soon as you find something that does, you can begin reading instantly.
-NewsRaider seamlessly integrates with TomeRaider 3 - meaning you can carry hundreds or thousands of up to the minute news articles on your handheld (Note, TomeRaider is not free software).
-Now with the world's most informative screen saver. The NewsRaider screen saver displays full screen scrolling articles in real time, all of the time. It's enough to give even the most hardened news-hound the bone.